Architecture / Governmental

City of San Antonio Fire Station No. 2


Fire Station No. 2 is a new replacement project for an existing City of San Antonio fire station. The one-story building contains a three bay structure for fire apparatus on one end countered by a one bay structure for an EMS apparatus. In between the two is a dormitory, office and living space for twelve fire fighters, including four officers, and two emergency medical technicians with room to expand to three.

The fire station is located on a corner lot facing a residential street. Its shed forms respect the scale of neighboring houses. A key site feature is the use of a detention pond to keep storm drainage flowing at a naturally low rate to surrounding areas.

3-Bay Structure the of City of San Antonio Fire Station No. 2

The fire apparatus and EMS bays were constructed using concrete tilt-wall construction saving considerable construction cost and time and providing the client with a stout, long lasting structure. The exterior face of the concrete varies using horizontal corrugations and smooth finishes. Dormitory and living spaces utilized conventional construction and a combination of EIFS and matching corrugated concrete veneer base panels for the exterior. The interior Joker Stand, a central communication center, contains an unobstructed clear glass view into the fire apparatus bays.

Interior details of City of San Antonio Fire Station No. 2

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